An Insight into the World of Bingo with some Fun and Amazing Facts!

An Insight into the World of Bingo with some Fun and Amazing Facts!Bingo is one of the most played games and more than 8% of the total world population is involved in the game of bingo. Researches in the recent years have also shown the number of women playing bingo is twice as much as the number of male players. Also bingo, be it online bingo or offline bingo is played the most by the older generation. More than 12 % of the bingo players are above the age of 75. Again the younger generation indulges more in the game than the people falling in the middle age bracket. More than 10% of the bingo players are aged between 16 to 24 years. Bingo is in any which way is played more by women and the main aim of indulging in the game is to socialize, meet new people and keep in touch with old friends. Online bingo has gone into the roots of the bingo lovers and more and more people are indulging in UK bingo. Reports state that the game of bingo is in fact a mass entertainer across countries. Bingo had been players in many countries starting from Australia as Housie and moved on to the European countries where it is played by the majority of the people. Bingo is a real winner as it has pushed out all other games and created a niche of their own.

In the UK bingo has its own space and people in a way literally swear by the game. With technology becoming so important in our lives online bingo has taken precedence over land bingo. They have been able to topple the hold that land bingo once had as players now love to play from the comfort of their homes. Also the bingo sites have different kinds of offers, bonuses and freebies in store for the players which make online bingo all the more irresistible.

To add to your bingo fun here are a list of some of the facts which would give you an entirely different insight to bingo:

  • Only 20 % of the bingo players are men where as the rest are women.
  • Researchers have said that bingo is a ‘mad game’. This means that once a players starts playing bingo the chances are almost nil that he/she would stop playing before winning at least one bingo game.
  • a particular calculation which shows that 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 possible number arrangements on the standard bingo card.
  • It is in the UK that majority of the players are addicted to the game of bingo with a massive 3 million UK players play bingo games every single day.
  • Even in today’s world of development and upliftment players from the world of bingo are extremely superstitious and they would have their lucky, chairs, lucky days and even lucky clothes. So the next time you notice a bingo player wearing the same cardigan to a game of bingo you would know the reason why!
  • Bingo has a lot of math’s attached to it and popular stories state a particular Carl Leffler, mathematics professor in the University of Columbia went insane while he was trying to come up with 6000 bingo cards with all different combinations. Also there is a particular calculation which shows that 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 possible number arrangements on the standard bingo card.
  • In the chat rooms that are now part of all the online bingo sites you would find 95% of them to be women indulging in a session of chat.
  • And a good proportion of bingo players tend to be also cat lovers!