The Drawbacks of Online Bingo – Think Twice Before You Indulge

The Drawbacks of Online Bingo - Think Twice Before You IndulgeBingo is one of the most loved forms of gambling and probably the most sought after especially in UK. Initially as we all know it was played in the bingo halls and people used to throng these halls for a bingo game. It was also a place where people could socialize and meet like-minded people. But the advent of the internet changed it all as the mode of entertainment shifted towards the internet. People who were part of land bingo thus shifted their focus on online bingo and had online bingo sites. With time this online form of bingo gained popularity and people flocked to these sites for more as they offered different kinds of bingo, bonuses, redeposit bonuses and also free bingo not to mention the side games like casinos and slots. But though the advantages were many, online bingo also had its share of cons.

To begin with the biggest disadvantage is that winning in an online game is really tough. People from all across the globe can access the online bingo sites as they are available to all those countries where gambling is legal. So you must realize that the since there will be thousands of players or even more in a game of bingo online the percentage chance of winning an online bingo game goes down drastically. On the other hand in land bingo there would probably a few hundred players who would be part of any bingo game.

Security issues are another major concern while playing online. True there are some very well known sites where if you are a part of you simply don’t have to worry about the details that you are sharing. But many a times many be the offers are not suiting your needs and thus you might opt for a much lesser known brand to play UK bingo. So you must always be careful about what information you put in as there can be cases if identity theft as well.

The chat section in any bingo site is the major attraction but also you don’t know who exactly you are talking to. Not all online bingo sites have the option of a webcam and hence you might just end up talking to a stalker or someone who would use the information you gave him/her against you. So players must always be careful on what information one is giving out.

In online gambling there is no stop button. This means that you have thousands of sites and many different forms of bingo that you can indulge in. In fact online bingo is played 24 hours and day and 7 days a week. So you might end up playing bingo online more than you really intended to play and thus lose your hard earned cash as not always will you win!

True if you look carefully may be the advantages of playing online bingo outweighs the disadvantages but one must need to be careful and most definitely a responsible player to use the pros of playing bingo online to ones advantage.

Going Mobile with Bingo is Amazing

Going Mobile with Bingo is AmazingBingo has first become online and now with the development of technology it has also gone mobile and people are loving the change. People love bingo and what can be better that being able to play it on the move. With the internet connection also available on our phones, playing bingo on the move is in fact quiet an easy deal. All the online bingo sites now are available on mobile. However there are two variations one where you simply have to log in the name of the site and second you might have to download the online bingo site’s mobile app. You need to put in your credit card details and other such information similar to what you do through desktop/laptop to play mobile bingo as well. Most of the sites however have a demo version of how online bingo games can be played online before the player starts playing UK bingo on the move.

Since online bingo can be played on the move thus it tends to be a great entertainer during a long journey, or during vacations where many be a computer is not handy. Also since the mobile devices are large now with the screens sizes being big players can indulge in playing bingo online through their mobile devises and still have the fun that they have while playing through their computer sets.

Chats are also available on the mobile devices and thus socializing on the move is another positive of playing bingo online. Since mobile bingo is so popular now a days mobile operators have special offers for those who play online bingo through their mobile devices on their networks. Infact players might end up winning amazing payout and cashbacks by playing UK bingo through mobile phones.

But since plying online bingo through mobile phones are a little different than what people generally find while playing through their computers hence players must read reviews before indulging in online bingo through the mobile phones. Also it is necessary to only trust those sites which have 128 bit SSL or secure socket layer digital encryption to protect the personal details that you have entered.

So going mobile while playing bingo is great at bingo helps in exercising ones brain and makes players more active and attentive. People can also socialize and make new friends and have a good time all on the move. So download the bingo app on your mobile phones and play on.

An Insight into the World of Bingo with some Fun and Amazing Facts!

An Insight into the World of Bingo with some Fun and Amazing Facts!Bingo is one of the most played games and more than 8% of the total world population is involved in the game of bingo. Researches in the recent years have also shown the number of women playing bingo is twice as much as the number of male players. Also bingo, be it online bingo or offline bingo is played the most by the older generation. More than 12 % of the bingo players are above the age of 75. Again the younger generation indulges more in the game than the people falling in the middle age bracket. More than 10% of the bingo players are aged between 16 to 24 years. Bingo is in any which way is played more by women and the main aim of indulging in the game is to socialize, meet new people and keep in touch with old friends. Online bingo has gone into the roots of the bingo lovers and more and more people are indulging in UK bingo. Reports state that the game of bingo is in fact a mass entertainer across countries. Bingo had been players in many countries starting from Australia as Housie and moved on to the European countries where it is played by the majority of the people. Bingo is a real winner as it has pushed out all other games and created a niche of their own.

In the UK bingo has its own space and people in a way literally swear by the game. With technology becoming so important in our lives online bingo has taken precedence over land bingo. They have been able to topple the hold that land bingo once had as players now love to play from the comfort of their homes. Also the bingo sites have different kinds of offers, bonuses and freebies in store for the players which make online bingo all the more irresistible.

To add to your bingo fun here are a list of some of the facts which would give you an entirely different insight to bingo:

  • Only 20 % of the bingo players are men where as the rest are women.
  • Researchers have said that bingo is a ‘mad game’. This means that once a players starts playing bingo the chances are almost nil that he/she would stop playing before winning at least one bingo game.
  • a particular calculation which shows that 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 possible number arrangements on the standard bingo card.
  • It is in the UK that majority of the players are addicted to the game of bingo with a massive 3 million UK players play bingo games every single day.
  • Even in today’s world of development and upliftment players from the world of bingo are extremely superstitious and they would have their lucky, chairs, lucky days and even lucky clothes. So the next time you notice a bingo player wearing the same cardigan to a game of bingo you would know the reason why!
  • Bingo has a lot of math’s attached to it and popular stories state a particular Carl Leffler, mathematics professor in the University of Columbia went insane while he was trying to come up with 6000 bingo cards with all different combinations. Also there is a particular calculation which shows that 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 possible number arrangements on the standard bingo card.
  • In the chat rooms that are now part of all the online bingo sites you would find 95% of them to be women indulging in a session of chat.
  • And a good proportion of bingo players tend to be also cat lovers!

Chat during a Game of Bingo and have some fun!

Chat during a Game of Bingo and have some fun!Bingo over the years has been one of the most loved games. Many other forms of gambling also came and went but the love for bingo did not vain. Bingo had been not only a mode to earn some easy cash but also of socializing. When the modes of entertainment were not there be it the television, malls or the radio sets bingo was there to jazz up people’s lives. Bingo has been in existence since the 1800’s in many different forms and with many different names.

Then there was the advent of the internet and people stopped having the time of the patience to travel to bingo halls for a game of bingo. Also the internet had many different forms of entertainment and thus the bingo halls were having very less footfall. It was during this crisis period that UK bingo thought of venturing into the online world and thus online bingo came into being.

When online bingo slowly picked up pace and people started loving the new form of bingo it instantly hit them that the socializing aspect of online bingo simply went off the radar and that it was slowly becoming mundane for the people. Keeping these in mind UK bingo thus introduced the chat sections in almost all the online bingo sites and thus socializing through bingo again picked up pace.

Playing online bingo thus has a new side to it –chats. The online bingo sites thus had chat sections where players could play as well as chat with their bingo buddies at the same time. In fact bingo lovers found like- minded people to mingle with. Also during a game if a player won some money he/she could share their happiness live and people cheered on bringing in a feeling of fun and enthusiasm to a game of bingo.

UK bingo sites have players from world over and people from different nationalities also meet up through the chats on bingo giving it a global aspect. It in fact bridged the gap between people throughout the world. Playing online bingo also helped people unwind and who does not want to socialize and meet new people and if that happens sitting at home in one sown bedroom then nothing like it!

There are also the chat hosts who many a times dress up in different avatars to add some fun to a game of bingo. Players chat up with these chat hosts who not only act as friends to the bingo lovers but also help them solve issues. Also if there is some issue among players these chat hosts in the bingo sites do their bit to solve the matter. Lastly chatting while playing online bingo helps players not get bored while a game is yet to begin.

Online Bingo takes over Land Bingo

Online Bingo takes over Land BingoBingo is game which was played as an outlet for most in the initial years. People used to go and meet like-minded people, win some easy cash and have a good time. But then came the internet and with the importance of the internet growing along with other things even bingo became online. Now though the land bingo halls still exists but the fact that online bingo has taken over to a very large extent cannot be denied.

Initially it was thought that online bingo played through bingo sites would eat up the entire market of offline bingo and that people won’t have a place to go out to any more. However the online bingo sites with time has only proved to have a positive effect on people.  For example online bingo sites provided many different versions of bingo which was not available in land based bingo halls. Players could meet people but only a limited number. As people from the near-by areas usually go to the local bingo halls for a game of bingo. In online bingo on the other hand bingo players have an option of chatting with the other players and since it’s the internet players can far and wide can connect over a common love – Bingo. Online bingo also offers its players a sense of unity and community. In fact people form groups on the online bingo sites and they have their own forums where they can either have a group chat or a private chat.

Side games like the casinos and slots that can be found on the online bingo sites are entirely missing on land based bingo. Land based bingo only offers the specific bingo game that is being played. Moreover people usually cannot speak or have a little fun in a bingo hall as the numbers are being called and people has no choice but to listen n attentively. However while a game of bingo is being played online players can chat with the chat hosts and other members and at the same time daub the numbers on their bingo tickets as the bingo numbers appear on the screen. Video poker, pull tabs and keno are the other kinds of side games that are simply loved by the bingo players.

Online bingo sites gives its players bonuses and redeposit bonuses. This feature is entirely missing in land based bingo as players only get money if they win the game. In online bingo players are given money in terms or bonuses and many a time bonus codes and points only for registering to the site. Players are also entitled to some easy cash if they refer a friend and the friend becomes a funded player of that site. These features are not available in land based bingo.

Last but not the least online bingo does not involve any traveling and you can play with any bingo site you want. For land based bingo you had no option but to be a part of only your local bingo halls. Also many physically challenged people who find venturing out difficult indulge in online bingo and unwind themselves.

A Simple Guide on How to Play Online Bingo

A Simple Guide on How to Play bingoOnline bingo has taken up a lot of our time and mind space and we love it entirely. Bingo is a fun game if played responsibly and since the internet has now become a part and parcel of our lives so has bingo especially after it went online from the offline mode that were played in bingo halls and communities. There are now more than 2000 online bingo sites and these UK bingo sites are growing by the day. With changes taking place each day most people are not aware of the new terms and the new ways that are introduced each day. So we through this specialized article will try and give you an overview about the online bingo and the new UK sites cropping up in the online bingo world each day. Along with it we will also tell you some easy tricks of playing online bingo and these might just help you win some more extra cash through bingo.

The first thing which you would find different in online bingo are the chat options. Playing bingo online is quiet fun as you have the option of chatting with your bingo friends during a game and share your thoughts and even meet like-minded people. Almost all of these UK bingo sites has special bingo chat games where players can win cash prizes and bonuses if they are part of a the chat games and many a times the players are given bonuses etc just for chatting with more number of bingo players.

The next bit that you must keep in mind while playing online UK bingo is that the particulars you put in are correct and authentic. Also the email address must be valid and functioning as it is on these details that whether one can claim the prize money/bonus amount or not is based. Before the game starts on the top of the page you can find the time remaining for the game to start in bold. Cards/tickets for the game can be bought before the game and they appear in a special pop up window. If the online bingo game deals with matching a pattern then the pattern appears in the upper right corner of the bingo window. Playing online bingo is therefore quiet easy and so is daubing the card. Players can “daub” their cards with a click of the mouse. When a player’s card matches the pattern, he or she hits the “Bingo” button. In other automated games in a computerized fashion each players’ card is kept a tab on and one any one hits a one line, two lines or full house their names flash on the screens of all the other players.

Online bingo apart from the prize amount also gives out bonuses to their players. Well not everyone can win and thus some monetary push from the UK bingo sites where the players are part of, is given once in a while. For example there is a scheme for redeposit bonuses. This means that players would be given some amount as bonus after their second deposit. The other bonus which is loved by all players and we are sure you would love it too is the ‘refer a friend’ bonus. So you refer your friend and once he/she becomes a funded player you get a good amount credited to your account.

Lastly though UK online bingo is fun you have to make sure that the sites that you are a part of, are legal and they have the necessary legal bindings required. Also since a game of online bingo depends on the internet you must make sure that you have a fast and reliable internet connection to make the most of your online bingo game.

An Overview of different types of Bingo available online!

An Overview of different types of Bingo available now!Bingo is now one of the most loved games with the game going online from offline much more number of people can take part in bingo. With bingo becoming popular many different kinds of bingo has also cropped up for the entertainment purpose of people. Well as the saying goes “Variety is the spice of life” and bingo has done just that over the years.

The first and the most well known is the 90-Ball Bingo. The cards for a 90 ball bingo game has 15 numbers all scattered over three rows of boxes. They have five numbers in each row. These tickets have sic strips and no number will be repeated. A winner is one who gets a full house (covering all 15 numbers) but those who can mark two full lines on one ticket are also awarded a part of the cash prize. In all the bingo sites this 90 ball bingo is played and players are simply hooked to it.

The next in line is the 75-Ball Bingo. Well it is the equivalent of the 90 ball bingo and it is mainly played in the USA and Canada. The only difference being this game is played much faster and the ‘coverall’ jackpot is much larger.

80-ball Bingo is the third in line in the world of bingo games. This form of bingo game is relatively new in the world of bingo. Here each row has different colours for the numbers and this game allows a greater number of winning combinations.

The above were bingo games which included many numbers and the players took much time to bingo. But this one is a comparatively smaller bingo game and thus the name mini bingo. This is a 30-Ball Bingo. It is played on a ticket with nine squares in a 3×3 matrix. The best part is each round of the game does not last more than several minutes.

The bingo game breaks the monotony of a game of bingo. It is none other than Pattern Bingo. Here players needs to bingo on a pattern that is specified in the beginning of the game. The pattern can be anything an L or T, or any other shape specified.

Coverall Bingo in other words is full house bingo. Players need to bingo on a full house only. That is they can bingo only if they have covered all the numbers on their card within a certain number of balls called. Many a times progressive jackpots are also linked to this version of game.

The eighth variety is Quickie or Speed Bingo. This is the bingo game where the winner is the first to fill the entire card and the catch is, the numbers are called quickly.

In Joker Jackpot there are cards to provide the players with tickets which consist of an individual grid of nine squares made up of three rows and three columns. Each square contains a card so nine cards appear on each hand. Players have to form the ‘J’ pattern. The player who is the first to have all the cards called on the J pattern on a purchased hand will win the first prize. Then there is the Full Hand where a player needs to have all the cards called on a purchased hand.

Money Ball is game of bingo which basically doubles the jackpot amount of the winner. The rule is prior to the game a number is specified. If the winner hits bingo on that exact number the amount of his winning money is doubled! A variation of this is “Lucky Ball.”

Deal on No Deal Bingo is another popular bingo game which is liked by all after all it came into existence after the popular T.V show. Though we all know its rules here are just two lines about it. Choose a stake value by clicking on the up and down arrows to play the game with. As the stake value is adjusted, the possible payouts in the left and right columns of the screen will also dynamically change in accordance with the odds set in the game. Once the Play button is pressed, the stake amount is deducted from your balance then the game will begin.

In Texas Blackout bingo whatever number is called first must be odd or even. If it is even, for example, all of the even numbers on every cards become “Wild” and are immediately covered—vice versa for odd. The game then continues until someone wins with a blackout.

The last on the online bingo games in the Five Line Bingo. This form of Bingo is also called Swedish Bingo. The game is played on a standard 5×5 Bingo card, but there is no free square. However, the game is more like 90-ball Bingo than standard 75-ball Bingo. Players try to make a single row for the first bingo. Then they try to make two rows and so on until someone completes all five rows.